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VSS-Very Short Stories

This is a collection of Very Short Stories wherein a story is conveyed in less than 400 words.Most of these have been created following #vss prompts in twitter.


Do read and let me know what you think!

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hasan-almasi-nKNm_75lH4g-unsplash Copy.j

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Above the Clouds



Marble Surface
"You know I'm really sorry for what I did,don't you?!"he asked.

"Yes,I do!" she assured him.

"Then why do you still act like you don't?!" He was persistent.

She turned to look at him as she replied.
"Because forgiveness,my friend,is one thing and
trusting you again is another...and I simply can't do both!"

She walked out,without waiting for his reaction.
Marble Surface
Above the Clouds


Heading 4

Above the Clouds
Marble Surface
Marble Surface
Above the Clouds
Above the Clouds
Marble Surface

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